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A Hundred and One Nights (Library of Arabic Literature)

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A beautiful translation of Arabic stories of enchantment and wonder
The story has been translated to English for the the first time The Hundred and One Nights is a wonderful instance of the rich tradition of popular Arabic storytelling. Much like the well-known Thousand and One Nights 

Suggested Read:  The Silk Roads , History of the World, World War I, The Islamic World by Ladan Akbarnia, Nahj al-Balagha, Lost Islamic History, Stranger The History, Realizing Islam, Prophet Muhammad

The collection begins with the frame of Scheherazade the daughter of a vizier who tells enchanting tales each night to deter the murderous king from killing her. The Hundred and One Nights Hundred and One Nights features an nearly entirely different collection of tales, but each one is more exciting humorous, enthralling and shocking than the one before.

 In this collection, we are introduced to stories of epic warriors, lost treasures, disappearing brides, cannibal demon-women deadly shipwrecks, and clever ruses. human power and ingenuity are played out against the backdrop of an inexorable unfathomable destiny.

It is deeply grounded deeply rooted Arabic cultural and literary tradition and Islamic culture, these stories are based on themes and story elements that were common across different cultures, with Indian and Chinese predecessors, and also includes an older frame story than its more well-known cousin. This lively version from the classic novel A Hundred And One Nightspromises to transport readers, old and new alike, to the fantastical world of wonder and magic.

Suggested Read:  The Afghanistan File , Islam in Saudi Arabia, Top Seller: Islamic Art by Luca Mozzati, Jewish Morocco, Kingdoms of Faith and Islamic History For Kids: Story of Uhud

A version in English only.

Product details

Bruce Fudge is Professor of Arabic at the University of Geneva. He is the writer of Quranic Hermeneutics: al-Tabrisi and the Craft of Commentary (2011) in addition to numerous articles about the meaning of the Quran and the medieval and modern Arabic literature.

Robert Irwin is the author of The Arabian Nights: A Companionas as well as a variety of other studies on Middle Eastern politics, art and mysticism. This text is a reference to the hardcover edition.

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