An Overview of the Life and Legacy of Islam’s Final Prophet PBUH. Muslims accept Qur’an literally and with that, Muhammad PBUH (ca. 570 – 632 ) was God’s Messenger to make known in Arabic the same things revealed to previous Jewish and Christian prophets initially to the Arabs and thereafter to the world.
The Quran presents some archaic details about the existence of Muhammad but more richly detailed portrayals of his existence can be obtained from sirah, which are conventional biographies of the prophet, hadith that are accounts of the Prophet’s utterances and actions, and miscellaneous historical literature.
Muhammad PBUH lost its parents at tender age, he was from Banu Hashim tribe living under the custody of his uncle named Abu Talib. Literally nothing from his early life is known with certainty. At the age of twenty-5 Muhammad was offered a job by a rich woman named Khadijah to manage her business of merchandise and other products to Syria. Muhammad later married her.
They had mothered four grown up daughters and at least three sons who all died in infancy. Throughout her lifetime Khadijah was the most efficient wife to Muhammad. Sawdah was a woman who had been a widow before she wedded the man after the death of Khadija. Before the Hijrah, the two women who were tied to the Prophet was Khadijah and Sawdah. In Medina, however, Muhammad restricted in size other marriages mostly based on political affiliation and responsibilities of the head of the Muslim state.

Sources of knowledge indicate that the holy prophet PBUH started receiving revelations at the age of forty when the angel Gabriel came to him to recite surah number 96 to him. Narratives of fantastic foretelling of Muhammad’s destiny prophethood within the sirah and hadith tradition consist of encounter with Christians who popularized the prophetic reputation of Muhammad and a light that emanated from Muhammad’s face and that of his mom at some point in her pregnancy. Other great bills include the Prophet Moses’ Night Journey – isra – from Mecca to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and his ascension to heaven, miraj.
Also Read: Prophet Muhammad
The Quran does not specifically speak about Muhammad’s public ministry in Mecca, however the biological sources record the flight of Muhammad’s followers to Abyssinia (present day Ethiopia), the ostracism of Muhammad’s clan of Hashim, demise of his wife, Khadija and his uncle and protector, Abu Talib, the loss of protection of his extended family, his migration to al-Taif for protection and finally, the Hijrah to Medina.
The Quran also does not depict Muhammad is a man with supernatural abilities at all. His human side is most pronounced where he has been instructed to be long-suffering and to patiently endure suffering, sorrow, or discontentment. Despite getting victories over Meccans and managing to transform many of Hejazi tribes, Quran information that Muhammad worried over non-believers and remained ordinary, shy, and truthful. He often prayed that he should be forgiven for the individual sins that he would commit.
Oral history, the Quran, sirah, and reviews of Muhammad’s army expeditions are the rich sources that hold enormous information about the Medinan period. His victories over the large forces of the Meccans have been symbolic of God’s preference on him. In 627 Muhammad had turn into in entire manage of Medina, and Bedouin tribes within the region have been making deals with him and becoming Muslims.
Also Read: Islamic History For Kids: Story of Uhud
Later in spring of 628 Muhammad made a deal with the Meccans to allow him to perform the hajj the following year, and at the same time, make a ten year treaty. He completed the first organized Muslim invasion to Makkah during the early spring of 629 . A year later, when this truce was threatened, the leaders of Mecca did agree to turn over the city.
peacefully to Muhammad PBUH. Therefore, by 630 Muhammad PBUH became accountable for the whole of west Arabia . In 631 all the envoys of the different regions of Arabia flocked to him to submit. Thus, the following treaties emerged in the light of Muslims’ conversion to Islam as spearheaded by the Muhammad PBUH.
In 632 he took the biggest variety of Muslim pilgrims ever to be gathered in the course of his life in his farewell pilgrimage known As-‘z Ziyarah Al-Mudah. On his way back from the Succession of Pilgrimage to Medina, Muhammad PBUH contracted and reduce in size a fatal disease. He passed on in June in the tenth month of 632 when he was approximately sixty years of age.
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Ushr and Zakat, Hijab, Arabic Corner, Faith, Islamic History, Biography, Sirat ul Nabi PBUH, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram