How To Stay Hydrated During Ramadan?

How To Stay Hydrated During Ramadan? Water sustains our body functions by drawing in every mineral and vitamin and glucose substance and every toxic substance our body needs to discard. Fasting during the entire day in Ramadan makes it challenging to consume 2 liters of water.

Hydration remains essential for fasting people to avoid experiencing fatigue and weakness and remaining drowsy due to dehydration. Several straightforward methods exist to boost your body fluid intake during the fasting period of Ramadan:

1.Drink 2 glasses of water at Iftar: Metabolic activity gets boosted while cellular regeneration increases and growth regulation improves when you start your fasting period with water according to scientific findings. Having two water glasses at Iftar time will provide your body an opportunity to recover before performing the nightly Taraweeh prayers.

2. Have soup for Iftar: This hot dish provides beneficial nutrition through water together with many essential properties obtained from vegetables and protein ingredients.

3. Stay indoors: It is best to stay inside when fasting in order to avoid exposing your body to direct sunlight through sweating. The peak sun hours between noon should be avoided for both heating up and dehydration prevention.

4. Avoid salty foods and caffeinated drinks: While caffeine can be an addiction for many, it is important to stay away from it during the month of Ramadan. Caffeine and sodium are diuretics that stimulate the body to urinate more often, thus resulting in water loss from the body.

5. Carry water with you at Salat-al-Taraweeh: The Salah of Taraweeh becomes more difficult because dehydration leads to tiredness together with sleepiness. Drinking water between Taraweeh rakats with a bottle at hand is crucial because staying hydrated helps one remain alert while focusing during the prayers.

The Prophet (saw) promised to give those who provide fasting persons with water to drink water from his blessed fountain that would prevent them from thirsting until they reach Jannah.

Earth and the people living on it will disappear because of the absence of water. The people who read these words in this moment probably overlook how vital water truly is without awareness of its significance.

How To Stay Hydrated During Ramadan? The water and sanitation project led by Muslim Aid brings essential awareness about access to basic clean and safe drinking water for underserved populations.

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