Miracles of Prophet – Test Your Understanding of the Miracles of Prophets with Our Comprehensive Multiple Choice Quiz . All sent all prophets in the world and Allah gave sign . So in the last Allah sent the Muhammad PBUH and gave the Holy Book (Quran).
Question1: What is a Mu’jizah?
Answer: A supernatural act Performed by a Prophet after he has made the Proclamation of his Prophet hood is called a Mu’jizah.
Question2: Which is the Prophet who would turn iron soft like wax when he took it in his hand?
Answer: When sayyiduna Dawud (A.S) took iron in his hand, it would become soft like wax.
Question3: Which is the Prophet who made a passage through a river by hitting his stick over the river water?
Answer: Sayyiduna Musa made a passage through a river by hitting his stick over the river water.
Question4: which is the Prophet who smiled to have heard the sound of an ant from 3 miles?
Answer: Sayyiduna sulayman smiled to have heard the sound of an ant from 3miles.
Question5: Which Prophet had the she-camel of Paradise that would drink all the water of the pond on its turn?
Answer: Sayyiduna salih had the she-camel of Paradise that would drink all the water of the pond on its turn.
The Revealed Books
Question1: Which books are called the revealed books?
Answer: The books revealed by Allah are called the revealed books.
Question2: Whom were these books revealed to?
Answer: These books were revealed to the Prophets.
Question3: Why were these books revealed?
Answer: These books were revealed for the guidance of Mankind.
Question4: Which are the famous revealed books?
Answer: 1. The Tawrat 2. The Zabur
3. The Injil 4. The Holy Quran
A Prominent quality of Islam
Mu’jizat of Prophet – A most importance has been attached to modesty in Islam. It is stated in a Hides, verily, every religion has a quality and the quality of Islam is modesty. In other words, every Ummah has one such quality that is more prominent than its other qualities, and that prominent quality of Islam is modest
Question4: Tell the names of some other companions of the Holy Prophet (PBHU).
Answer: The name of some other companions of the Holy Prophet includes:
- Sayyiduna Abdullah Bin Abbas.
- Sayyiduna Abdullah Bin Umar.
- Sayyiduna Abdullah Bin Mas’ud
- Sayyiduna Amir Mu’awiyah
- Sayyiduna Imam Hasan
- Sayyiduna Imam Husain
Plant a tree in Paradise
Miracles of Prophet – You can realize the importance of time by the fact that whilst living in the world you can have a tree planted for you in paradise within a second! To have a tree planted in Paradise is very easy. According to a Hadith stated in Ibn Majah, A tree will be planted in Paradise for the one who recites any of these four Phrases
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Hijab, Arabic Corner, Islamic History, Biography, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram