Explore the Principles and Impact of Organizations Adopting a Full Zakat (donation policy) Allocation for Maximum Charitable Impact” The question about Zakat is the subject of a lot of attention and debate.
The confusion surrounding Zakat could arise because this fundamental pillar of Islam is addressed in many different and often unclear ways by different charities.
We’re here to help clarify Zakat and to explain the simple and solid policy Muslim Hands follows when we help noble causes.
The extravagant promise of a “100 percent Zakat policy is one of the phrases that we hear frequently. Social media is awash with slogans that boast every cent of your contribution will be used for anything other than those in need.
The money you donate is not used for administrative costs No cut is used for fundraising your whole donation will go to the charity you wanted it to’ are the promises that are a part of this.
It sounds fantastic. Ideal. What is the best way to handle it? Zakat is handled, you think? Perhaps not.
What the ‘100 100 percent Zakat policy really is regarding how the money gets to the most vulnerable is not as obvious. It is precisely in those details we need to investigate to fully understand how and the reason Zakat is handled the way it is.
Although it is it may be appealing in the spirit, there are a number of ethical and practical reasons as to which make us doubt that a 100 percent Zakat policy could be effective.
Here are a few:
Do you want to borrow money from somewhere else?
To ensure the 100 percent Zakat policy, money must be taken from elsewhere. It is necessary to pay the cost of acquiring donations, processing and managing them in addition to giving feedback and for fundraising. These are expenses that all charities have to pay without exception.
- Zakah | Zakat al Mal | Zakat – Learn Islam
- Zakat ul Fitr | Muslim Charity – Learn Islam
- Beneficiaries of Zakat | Islamic Relief Worldwide
- Importance and The Significance of Zakat in Islam
- Zakat Facts | Importance of Zakat | Benefits of Zakat
- Zakat al Fitr: The Obligatory Eid Gift to Be Made Before The End of Ramadan
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Ushr and Zakat, Hijab, Arabic Corner, Faith, Islamic History, Biography, Sirat ul Nabi PBUH, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram