Gabriel, the angel Gabriel in both the Old and New Testaments: 1.) always calms the fears of those watching him; 2.) always ensures the message is heard; 3.) He always gives assurance and reassures his audience that God is in control. Muslim stories of Muhammad’s encounter with Gabriel left: 1.)
Muhammad was confused, fearful, and even suicidal; 2.) Muhammad not comprehending the message; 3.) Muhammad was able to make Khadija lure the entity. Islamic researchers recognize Gabriel to be the Holy Spirit within Hadiths.
Only one “angel” who tries to misinterpret himself as God could be Satan. This study raises the critical question, “What is the true spiritual origin of the Quran?” Its origins in Satan could explain the countless acts of violent acts “extremists” are visiting on their fellow human beings. Do you, Islamic scholars, address this issue?
The Short Version: Muslims believe that Gabriel is an angel God created, not the third person of the triune Trinity. Gabriel once appeared as a human before a large group of Muslims and posed the Prophet Muhammad several questions regarding Islam.
Salam (Peace) Dear Brother,
Thank you for your inquiry and for taking the time to contact Ask About Islam.
Faithful people see the Angel Gabriel (Jibreel in Arabic) as a shared experience that Muslims and Christians can share; however, they view his actions in the past differently.
Who better to explain what Muslims adhere to than Muslims themselves?
Let me try now to clarify what Muslims believe regarding Angel Jibreel. Angel Jibreel and also something concerning the Quran.
The Quran was given to Muhammad, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be on his name), by the angel Jibreel over 23 years.
In the way we know it now, the Quran was and is not released in the sequence in which the verses are revealed. Some verses, or even fragments, have been revealed at a specific date and location to address questions and provide direction to Muslim community members.
It is among the many miracles of the Quran that when the proper order of the verses was given to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be with him) towards the end of the time of his existence, they appeared to be perfectly matched, even rhyming and relating to themes and sub-themes that would never be realized when they first disclosed.
It’s like the Artist who came up with them had been aware of His overall strategy from the beginning and only made it crystal clear in the end as a gigantic puzzle that only became clear after all the pieces had been assembled.
You’re right that the one who created both the Old and the New Testaments did make Gabriel appear as a person who can calm people. Over twenty-three years, we witnessed this happening when Muhammad (peace be on his name) and Jibreel were introduced, Jibreel telling him additional details about Allah which were not quotes from the Quran.
Gabriel in Human Form
Jibreel was even seen before a group of Muslims according to the original custom.
Abdullah ibn Umar, one of the Prophet’s companions, said:
The father of my son, Umar bin Al-Khattab, told me:
“While we were in the presence of one of the Messengers of Allah (peace be upon him), one day, a person appeared in dazzlingly white clothes and whose hair was black and incredibly white. There was no sign of his travels on him, and no one of us knew his name.
He sat and listened to Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), by putting his knees against his back and his hands on his thighs. Then he asked: “O Muhammad, Tell me what you know about Islam.’
He stated: “It is a way of proving that there is no one worthy of worship but Allah (The High and Praiseworthy) as well as to prove the fact that Muhammad (peace be on his soul) has been chosen as Allah’s Messenger of Allah and to create the Salah (Islamic prayers) as well as to give Zakah (alms) as well as to observe Ramadan and to make Hajj (pilgrimage) in the direction of Allah’s House if you’re in a position to carry the burden.’
He declared: ‘You’ve said about the facts.’
We were also amazed by the way he asked him questions to repeat, “You’ve told most truly’.
He then said, “Tell me more about Faith.’
He said: “It is to be a believer in Allah (The exalted and praised) His Angels, His Books His books His Messengers, His The Last Day and the Divine Decree, its good and bad.’
He added: ‘You’ve declared most truly.’
He asked, “Tell me about”Al-Ihsan” (benevolence).’
He explained: “It means to worship Allah (The Most Exalted and Praised) like you see Him even though you can’t see Him, He can see you.’
He asked, “Tell me about your hour..’
He stated that the person being asked about it doesn’t know much more than the person who asks.’
He asked: ‘Then inform me about the signs it has.’
He said: “When the slave woman is pregnant to her lover, you look around, you will see barefooted, naked shepherds, who are in desperate need, competing in building tall structures. ‘”
“Umar told me: “Three (days) were passed, and then The Messenger of Allah (peace be with him) I was told:
“O Umar, do you know who the questioner was?”
I told them: “Allah and His Messenger know best.”
He added: “That was Jibreel, peace be upon him, who came to you to teach you your religion.” (Al-Nasai)
Prophet Muhammad’s Reaction
Are Humans Superior to Angels?
Was the Prophet’s (peace be on his) initial reaction upon being summoned by Allah Almighty the typical reaction of a modest man?
After relocating to a mountain cave to pray and contemplate, He contemplates confronting God’s messenger.
When faced with revelations from God, isn’t it only average for humans to feel inadequate and initially shy away from the job given to them, not comprehending what they were given?
Following the first revelation that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be with him) ran back to his wife Khadijah in a state of confusion and fear of what this message could be referring to. Did it mean that something terrible was happening to Prophet Muhammad?
Her lovely response was to reassure her husband and help her husband.
Muslims believe that God is one and He is not a partner or equals. God isn’t a Trinity comprised of three people.
If Muslim scholars have described Jibreel as the spirit of God, they haven’t considered it a signifying that Jibreel was the third person within a Trinity, The Holy Spirit. Muslims think that the Jibreel angel is a god.
You will not find Jibreel attempting to confuse him with God or fooling others into believing he’s God.
The fundamental conviction of Islam that Jibreel reveals in the Quran found in Surat A-Ikhlas reads as this:
(Quran 112:1-4)
As Muslims, we consider that Islam is flawless and cannot be excused or apologized for. Muslims, however, on the other, aren’t perfect.
If a small number of misinformed people alter its meanings to suit their reasons to commit evil, Islam itself is not to blame. Terrorism goes beyond the limits of Islam and should be condemned without reservation.
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114