Unveiling the Extraordinary: Witnessing a Miracle in the Sacred Kaaba, Unprecedented confidence, unquestioned knowledge and wisdom, as well as an unmatched determination even in the face of hardship were only a few of the extraordinary traits of the legacy of Hazrat Ali (a.s), and his birthplace is remembered throughout the globe during the thirteenth day of Rajab the Murajab (a day in the Islamic calendar to be observed by the people of Pakistan Today (Thursday on January 25,).
The event will attract scores of Muslims to the holy ‘Kaaba’ in Makkah, the central point of Islam and where Hazrat Ali (a.s.) was born. The place of the birthplace of Hazrat Ali (a.s) has never been orally shared by anyone else in the past, or even after the incredible arrival to the family of Hazrat Ali, who was the first cousin as well as son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (peace be on his name).).
The historical record vividly illustrates Bibi Fatima binte Asad was one of the mothers of Hazrat Ali (a.s) and was in the “tawaif” (circumambulation) in the Kaaba – regarded by Muslims as ‘Baitullah’, known as the House of Allah in Makkah and was shocked when the part of the sacred place suddenly divided.
She entered the ‘Kaaba’ to give birth to one of her children. Celebrations in memory of Hazrat Ali (a.s) (a.s), one of the children from Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s) Today, we have an ideal time to think about what happened to the caliph who was the fourth of Islam.
In his pulpit following the demise of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), initially at the time in Madina and then later from the middle of the caliphate Hazrat Ali (a.s) in Kufa in southern Iraq His claim to “salooni,” salooni, Kabla ant’afkadoonee’ (Ask me, Ask me to prove that I am in your midst) was unquestioned throughout his entire life.
A large portion of the often-read speeches, letters, and sermons from Hazrat Ali (a.s) is well-preserved in ‘Nahjul Baliagha’,, an original text in Arabic later translated into several languages.
Various important issues covering everything from the daily routine of life to matters of statecraft are preserved in this work, which is an impressive appreciation of the wisdom and insight of Hazrat Ali (a.s). The words of ‘Nahjul Baliagha are extremely powerful and continue to provide advice to the present day.
One of the most widely cited examples offering an exhaustive set of rules to govern was a document that was written by Hazrat Ali (a.s) to Hazrat Maalik al-Ashtar following his appointment as governor of Egypt, which was then one of the provinces in the Islamic empire.
Many historians have praised the content of the letter that provides the most complete guidelines for governing one’s perfect Islamic state, which was first enshrined by the constitutional code of Madina which was first published by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
In a shrewd mention of the dangers to society from an ever-growing divide between the wealthy and the people in need, Hazrat Ali (a.s) wrote: “The devastation of the land only comes about through the destitution of its inhabitants, and the destitution of its inhabitants only comes about when the desire to amass wealth controls the souls of the governors, when they have doubts about what endures, and when they profit little from exemplary teachings”.
Hazrat Ali’s legacy, Hazrat Ali (a.s), dates back more than 13 years ago and has inspired numerous scholars, including Muslims and non-Muslims. In the last few years, former secretary general Kofi Annan, the former secretary-general of the United Nations, publicly cited the letter sent in the name of Hazrat Ali (a.s) to Hazrat Maalik Al Ashtar as an excellent model for running a prosperous state.
In a touching tribute to George Jordac, the late Lebanese Christian scholar writing in the book ‘The Voice of Human Justice: A Biography of Imam Ali published first as “Sautul Adalatil Insaniyah” wrote, “[Hazrat] Ali, son of the great [Hazrat] Abu Talib was a perfect example of Islamic principles in the Islamic world and the ideal model of human traits and the perfection.
His behaviour was full of every characteristic believed to be the hallmarks of human excellence. The most striking aspect of his behaviour was that he didn’t allow personal rifts, egoism or hatred to influence Islamic or collective issues. He never allowed his passions and desires to sabotage the integrity and honesty of his fellow man”.
Jordan concluded, “[Hazrat] Ali did never falter under any circumstance, and there was nothing that could cause him to change his course. He never gave up on his efforts to ensure the enforcement of the principles of Islam, and he did not long for fame or wealth as a reward for his efforts. The only reward he received was the accomplishment of his faith”.
Kaaba – Historical records have also documented the many victories in battles that are attributed to Hazrat Ali A.S., earning him impressive titles such as ‘Fateh Khyber’ (the conqueror of Khyber, the Jewish Fort Khyber)and Asadullah (the Lion from Allah) and “Haider” (the person with the strong heart).
In a well-documented feat of courage, the decision of Hazrat Ali (a.s) to sit on his bed as Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as Muhammad (pbuh) took off in secret on his epic travels to Makkah to Madina is a significant event in the time of Islam. Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was granted an early start on his journey before his departure. He was made known to his adversaries.
The numerous battlefield victories attributable to Hazrat Ali (a.s) resulted from a combination of a meticulously formulated set of rules. Yousuf N Lalljee, in his fabled title “Ali the Magnificent'” wrote, “So carefully were [Hazrat] Ali’s orders against plundering observed, that whatever was found on the field, or in the insurgent camp, was gathered together in the great mosque, and every man was allowed to claim his own”.
Lalljee added that “…on reaching the age of manhood at the age of manhood, [HazratAli] Ali stood with God’s apostle, [Hazrat Mohammed (may peace be with him)and took on any danger for the sake of his faith, fighting every one of his battles, and showing an unwavering fidelity to God that his name was a synonym with faithfulness and loyalty”.
Kaaba – The tributes recorded in the past for Hazrat Ali (a.s) highlight the significant impact that his iconic character has left on time to come.
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114