In The Shade of The Qur’an Vol.14 ( Surah Ahzab, Surah Az-Zumar)– It is by far Sayyid Qutb’s most important and profound work. He wrote most of it while incarcerated. This work is recognized as an outstanding contribution in Islamic thought and scholarship, to which scholars and students, including the current Islamic revivalist movements, owe a lot. This book covers the entire Qur’an, and provides a deeper understanding of its universal message from a modern perspective.
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Tafsir Al-Ahzab Ayat 1 36
Follow the Revelation of Allah, and put your trust in Him
In The Shade of The Qur’an Vol.14 ( Surah Ahzab, Surah Az-Zumar)-Allah refers to something higher when he points out something that is lower. He also commands His Messenger and servant to do this. The command is directed to those who are less than him. Talq bin Habib stated that Taqwa is obeying Allah in light of Allah’s guidance and in hopes of earning the reward. “And obey not the disbelievers or the hypocrites.” means, don’t listen to them and don’t consult them. “Verily Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise” This means that He is more worthy of you following His commands and obeying Him. He knows all the consequences and is Wise.
Allah said, “And follow what is revealed to you by your Lord.” Meaning: The Qur’an’s and Sunnah. “Verily Allah is Well-Acquainted With What You Do.” means that nothing is hidden from Him. Trust Him in all your affairs. “and enough is Allah as Wakil.” is a reference to the fact that He is sufficient as a Trustee for those who trust Him and turn to Him.
{4. Allah has not given any man two hearts in his body. He has not made your wives, whom you claim to be like your mothers, your real mothers. He has also not made your adopted children your real sons. This is just what you are saying with your mouths. Allah speaks the truth and guides us to it.
5. Allah is just if you call them their fathers. If you do not know their fathers, they will be your brothers in faith or Mawalikum (your liberated servants). There is no sin against you for any mistake you make, except when it is intentional. Allah is Most Merciful, Ever Forgiving. }
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Abolishing Adoption
In The Shade of The Qur’an Vol.14 ( Surah Ahzab, Surah Az-Zumar)-Allah does not discuss theoretical and abstract matters before He gives concrete examples. A man can’t have two hearts in one body. And a woman’s wife is not his mother if he speaks the words of Zihar to it: “You are to my back like the mother.” An adopted child is not the son of the adoptive father. Allah said: “Allah does not make for any man two hearts in his body. He has not made your wives to look like your mothers .
This is similar to the Ayah: “They can’t be their mothers.” “They cannot be their mothers unless they gave them birth.” (58:2). “no one can be their mothers except those who gave them birth” (58:2). He was also known as Zayd bin Muhammad, after the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, adopted him before prophethood. Allah wanted to end this naming and attributing.
He said, “nor has He made any of your adopted sons your true sons.” 33:40 And Allah says: “That’s all you say with your mouths.” meaning, ‘Your adoption of him is only words and does not mean that it is your son.’ A child can’t have two fathers, just like a man can’t have two hearts in the same body. “But Allah tells the truth and He guides the way.” Said Bin Jubayr stated: (But Allah speaks the truth)
It means justice. Qatadah stated that (and He guides the way) meant, the straight path. Imam Ahmad stated that Hasan had told them that Zuhayr, which is Ibn Abi Zibyan’s father, told them: “I said from Qabus that my father said to me, “Allah does not make for any man two heart inside his body.” What does that mean? He claimed that the Messenger was standing up to pray one day and that he felt trembled. At-Tirmidhi also said that this was a Hasan Hadith. It was also told by Ibn Jarir, and Ibn Abi Hatim using the Hadith from Zuhayr. (Ahmad no.2410)
Adopted Children should be named after their Real Father
“Call (adopted children) by their fathers. That is more just with Allah.” This command abrogates the situation that existed in the beginning of Islam when adopted children could be named after the adoptive father. Allah ordered that they be given the names of their fathers and stated that this was fairer and more just.
Al-Bukhari (may Allah bless him) said that Abdullah bin Umar stated that Zayd Bin Harithah was the servant of Allah until the Qur’an was revealed. “Call (adopted sons), by (the names) their fathers. That is more just with Allah.“ (Fath Al Bari 8:377).
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This narration was also made by Muslim, AtTirmidhi, and An-Na’i. (Muslim 4:1884) They used treat them as sons in all respects, even being with them alone as Mahrams. Sahlah bint Suhayl was the wife of Abu Hudhayfah. May Allah be pleased with them all. Salim was once our son. But Allah has shown what He has revealed. He used to come upon me, but now I feel that Abu Hudhayfah doesn’t like that. Peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Prophet.
“Breastfeed him, and he’ll become your Mahram.” (Muslim 2:1076)
This ruling was overturned by Allah, who made it permissible to a man marry the ex-wife his adopted son. The Messenger of Allah then married Zaynab Bint Jahsh, Zayd bin Harithah’s divorced wife, may Allah be pleased with her.
“So that (in the future) there may not be any difficulty to the believers with respect to the wives of their adopted boys when they have no desire to retain them” (33:37).
Ayat At-Tahrim says “The wives your sons from within your own loins” (4:23). Because he wasn’t born from a man’s loins, the wife of an adopted child is not included. From Shariah’s perspective, a “foster” child born through breastfeeding is equivalent to a son born from oneself. This is because the Prophet, peace, and blessings of Allah be with him, stated in the Two Sahihs.
“Suckling is as illegal as lineage.” (Alfath 8:392)
Referring to a person as “son” is an expression of honor or endearment. This is not forbidden by this Ayah.
“O My Sons, don’t stone the Jamarah till the sun rises.” (Ahmad 1:234).
This was in the Farewell Pilgrimage, which took place in 10 AH.
Call them by their fathers. This concern Zayd bin Harithah. May Allah be pleased with him. At the battle of Mu’tah, he was killed in 8 AH. According to Sahih Muslim, Anas bin Malik, may Allah bless him, stated: “The Messenger Of Allah said:
“O, my son.” (Muslim 3:693)
Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi also reported it. “But you don’t know their father’s then your brothers in religion and Mawalikum [your freed servants]” To make up for the fact that they do not know their true lineage, they should be called brothers or freed servants.
After the Messenger of Allah, peace, and blessings be upon him, left Makkah for his Umrat Al Qada’ [performed in year following Hudaybiyah], the daughter of Hamzah began following Ali, calling, “O uncle!” Ali took her and told Fatimah that she would take care of her uncle’s child. Ali, Zayd, and Jafar – may Allah bless them all – disagreed over who would take care of her.
Each of them explained why. Ali stated, “I have more rights, because she’s the daughter my paternal uncle.” Zayd replied, “She’s the daughter my brother.” Jafar bin Abi Talib added, “She’s the daughter my paternal uncle, and I am married To her maternal aunt — which is Asma bint Umays.” Allah blesses the Prophet. He said that she should remain with her maternal aunt.
- “The mother’s maternal aunt is the same as her mother.”
- Ali was told by him that Allah would be pleased with him.
- “You are my friend and I am yours.”
- Jafar was told by him that Allah is pleased with him.
- “You look like me in both your looks and your attitude.”
- He said to Zayd: May Allah be pleased with you,
- “You’re our brother, and our freed slave.”
This Hadith includes a variety of rulings. The most important is that the Prophet ruled according the truth and sought to reconcile all disputing parties. His words to Zayd, may Allah bless him.
“You’re our brother and our freed slave.” (Fath Al-Bari 7 :750)
This is what Allah said in this Ayah: Your brothers in faith, and your freed servants. Next, Allah says: “And you will not be convicted of any offense in regard to that in which your mistake was made.” Meaning, if one of them calls someone after someone other than his father by mistake, then Allah will not add any sin to the mistake. This is similar to the Ayah where Allah commands His servants: “Our Lord!” We will be punished if we make mistakes or forget” (2:286). Sahih Muslim reported that the Messenger Allah, peace and blessings of Islam be upon him, said:
“Allah said, “Certainly I did (so)”. (Muslim 1:116).
Sahih Al-Bukhari records that Amr bin Al-As said: “The Messenger said:
“If a judge makes Ijtihad, and makes the correct decision, he’ll get two rewards. If he makes Ijtihad, and makes the wrong decision, he’ll only receive one reward.” (Fath Al-Bari 13.330)
Another Hadith
“Allah forgives my Ummah’s mistakes, forgetfulness, and what they are forced into doing.” (Tuhfat Al-Ahwadhi 1:1659)
Allah said this: “And you are not guilty of any mistake that you make, except what your heart intends.” And Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” This means that the sin is on the one who intentionally does something wrong. Allah also says elsewhere:
“Allah won’t call you to account when your oaths are unintentional” (2:225). Imam Ahmad told Ibn Abbas that Umar said, “Allah sent Muhammad the Truth and revealed the Book to him.” One of the revelations in it was the Ayah about stoning. So the Messenger of Allah stoned [adulterers] after he died. Then he added, “We also used recite, Do not attribute yourself to anyone but your fathers. This is disbelief.'” The Messenger of Allah, peace, blessings of Allah be upon you, said:
“Do not exaggerate when praising me, as Isa bin Maryam was praised upon his be peace and blessings. I am only a servant to Allah. Speak: “He is His servant, Messenger em>
Mamar might have even said:
- “As Christians praised Maryam’s son.” (Ahmad 1:17)
- This narration was also found in another Hadith.
- “Three things people do are part of disbelief” (Muslim No. 934)
{6. 6. Blood relations between each other are closer to the decree of Allah than those who believe and the Muhajirin. This is what the Book says. }
Loyalty towards the Prophet; his wives are Mothers to the Believers
Allah tells us that His Messenger, peace, blessings and Allah be upon him, is kind and merciful towards his Ummah and is closer than they are themselves. As Allah states, His judgment or ruling is superior to their own.
“By The One in Whose hand is my soul” (Fath Al-Bari 1:175)
The Sahih also reported that Umar, may Allah bless him with this statement, said: “O Messenger Allah, by Allah! You are dearer than anything except me!”
- “No O Umar, I will not let you go until I am more dear to you than myself.”
- Umar stated: “O Messenger Allah, by Allah. Now you are dearer than all, even me.”
- “Now O Umar [you are right]” (Fath Al-Bari 11.532)
This is what Allah said in this Ayah: The Prophet is closer than the believers to themselves,” Al-Bukhari narrated this Ayah from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with them, that the Prophet, peace, and blessings be upon him, said:
“I am the closest person to any believer in this world or in the Hereafter. There is no other belief than mine.” Recite, if desired: “The Prophet’s closest to believers is themselves.” If a believer leaves any wealth, his relatives can inherit it. However, if he leaves any debt or orphans, they can bring them to me, and I will take good care of them.
Al-Bukhari was the only one to have this information, and he also recorded it into the Book of Loans. (Fath Al-Bari 8:376)
“And his wives are their mother.” is an acronym for illegal marriage. According to scholarly consensus, they cannot be together in terms of honor, respect, veneration and it is against the law to marry them.
“And their blood relations are closer to Allah’s decree than those of believers and Muhajirin,” This abrogates the previous rule where they could inherit from each other by virtue of the oaths of brotherhood. Ibn Abbas and others stated that a Muhajir would inherit an Ansari’s inheritance even though they were not related in blood. This was due to the brotherhood between them by Allah (Al-Bukhari no 2292. 4580. 6747).
Said bin Jubayr, as well as other scholars from the past and present, also said this. “except you do kindness to them brothers.” This means that the idea of inheriting from each other has disappeared, but there is still the obligation to support, kindness, uphold brotherhood, and offer advice. This ruling, which states that blood relatives have close personal ties, has been made by Allah and is in the First Book. It cannot be changed or altered. This is Mujahid’s view. This is true, even though Allah has given us different laws at times. Allah knew this and He made sure that the original ruling, which was established an eternity ago, would prevail. And Allah knows best.
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{7. When We took the prophets’ covenant and from you and Nuh, Ibrahim and Musa, we also took the Isa son Maryam’s covenant. We took from them a firm covenant.
8. So that He might ask them the truthful questions about their truth. And He prepared for disbelievers a terrible torment. }
The Covenant of the Prophets
In The Shade of The Qur’an Vol.14 ( Surah Ahzab, Surah Az-Zumar)– Allah speaks about the five Mighty Messengers who had strong resolve and the other Prophets. He says that He took a covenant with them to establish the religion and transmit His message. He then said to them: “Does Allah agree?” He added: “Then bear witness. And I am with them among the witnesses.” (3:81). This covenant was taken away from them after they began their missions.
Five names are mentioned in the Qur’an. These are the Mighty Messengers who have strong resolve. These five are also mentioned in this Ayah and the Ayah: Allah has ordained for your religion the same religion He ordained to Nuh.
Allah says that He took the Covenant from the Prophets. The Ayah ends with the last Prophet. As a token of respect, may Allah’s blessings be upon him. After that, the names of all the Prophets are listed in alphabetical order. May Allah bless them.
Ibn Abbas stated that the strong covenant was Al-Ahd (the Covenant). At-Tabari (20:213) “That He might ask the truthful about them truth.” Mujahid stated: “This refers, those who transmit the Message from Messengers
.” (Attabari/20:214) “And He prepared for the disbelievers,” i.e. among their nations, “a painful torture.” This is i.e. agonizing. We can testify that the Messengers conveyed the Message from their Lord to their nation and gave them advice. They also showed their truth with no doubt, confusion or ambiguity. The truth is what the Messengers brought, and anyone who opposes them is misguided. The people of Paradise will affirm: “Indeed. The Messengers of Our Lord did come with truth.” (7:43).
{9. You who believe! Keep in mind Allah’s favor for you when they came against your hosts. We sent against them a wind force and forces that were not visible to you. Allah is the All-Seer of all that you do.
10. They came from both above and below you. When the eyes became wild and hearts grew to the throats, you had doubts about Allah. }
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The Campaign of the Confederates, Al-Ahzab
In The Shade of The Qur’an Vol.14 ( Surah Ahzab, Surah Az-Zumar)– Allah speaks of the blessings and favors that He bestowed on His faithful servants, when He defeated their enemies in the year they conspired and gathered. According to the widely-held correct view, it was the year Al-Khandaq in Shawwal 5 AH. Musa bin Uqbah, and others, claimed that it occurred in the year 4 AH. One reason the Confederates arrived was because a group of leaders from the Jews of Banu Nadir that the Messenger of Allah had expelled Al-Madinah, Khaybar to Khaybar,
including Sallam Bin Abu Al-Huqayq and Sallam Bin Mishkam, went to Makkah. They met with Quraysh leaders and incited them all to fight against the Prophet. Quraysh accepted their offer of support and help, and they promised to do so. They then went to the Ghatafan tribe and made the same request. They also responded. Under the leadership of Abu Sufyan Sakhr Bin Harb, the Quraysh walked out with a group of men from different tribes and their supporters.
Uyaynah bin Hisn, bin Badr led the Ghatafan. They numbered almost ten thousand. The Messenger of Allah learned that they had started out and ordered the Muslims to dig a ditch (“Khandaq”) around Al-Madinah’s east. Salman Al-Farisi advised them to do this. May Allah be pleased with them The Muslims worked hard and the Messenger was with them. He carried away the earth and dug, which produced many signs and miracles. As Allah commands, the idolators set up camp north of Al-Madinah near Uhud. Some of them camped on top of Al-Madinah.
“When you were surrounded by them from above and below you,” Peace and blessings of Allah be with him, the Messenger of Allah, appeared along with the believers. They numbered almost three thousand or seven hundred. They were facing the enemy with their backs to (the mountain of Sal) and the ditch between them, which was empty of water, prevented the infantry and cavalry from reaching them. Al-Madinah had strongholds for the children and women. Banu Qurayzah was a group of Jews who had built a fortress south-east Al-Madinah.
They had signed a treaty to the Prophet and were now under his protection. Nearly eight hundred of them were fighters. Huyay bin Akhtab An-Nadari reached them and tried to persuade until they broke the treaty. Then, they switched sides and joined the Confederates against Messenger of Allah. Peace and blessings of Allah be upon them. As Allah said, the crisis grew and became more severe.
“There were believers who were shaken by a powerful shaking.” (33:11) They held the Prophet and his Companions hostage for nearly a month. There was no fighting and they never reached them. Amr bin Abd Wadd Al-Amiri was one of the most brave and famous horsemen in Jahiliyyah and he crossed the ditch to the Muslim side with other horsemen. The Messenger of Allah, peace, blessings and Allah be upon him, called out for the Muslim cavalry and it was reported that none came forward. He called Ali, may Allah bless him,
He brought Ali forward. They fought one-on-one up to Ali. May Allah bless them.
He was killed and this was a sign that victory was near. They were then left without any tents and nothing else. The Confederates couldn’t light any fires and could not do so, thus they fled, disappointed and defeated. Keep in mind Allah’s favor when they sent against you hosts a wind force and wind. Mujahid stated that this view was supported by another Hadith.
“I was granted victory by the easterly winds, and Ad were defeated by the westerly winds.” (Fath Al-Bari 2, 604)
“and powers that you did not see.” These are the angels who shaken them and instilled fear and terror in their hearts. Each tribe’s chief said, “O Banu so and-so to me!” Then they gathered around him and he said, “Let us rescue ourselves!” When Allah caused fear and terror in their hearts.
Muslim, in his Sahih recorded that Ibrahim At-Taymi stated that his father said that he was with Hudhayfah Bin Al-Yaman. A man then said to Hudhayfah: ‘If you had met the Messenger, I would have fought alongside them and I would have tried my best.’ Hudhayfah replied: ‘Would that really have happened? I was there with the Messenger (of Allah) during the campaign against the Confederates. It was a cold, windy night and the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
“Is there anyone who can bring me news about the people?” He will be there with me on Day of Resurrection em>
He repeated the question three times, but none of us responded. He said, “
- “O Hudhayfah! Get up and bring us the news of the people.”
- I couldn’t help but get up when he called my name. He said,
- “Bring news to the people but don’t alarm them.”
So I walked as if I was walking among pigeons until I reached them. I saw Abu Sufyan at the fire and put my bow in my bow to aim for him. But then, I remembered what the Messenger Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, had said.
“Do Not Alarm Them.”
I would have shot the arrow if I had hit him. So I returned, walking again as if I was walking among pigeons and finally reached the Messenger of Allah. Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you. I felt very cold after my return. I informed the Messenger of Allah, and he allowed me to wear a spare cloak that he used for prayer. I slept until the morning, and when it came to morning, the Messenger Allah, peace, blessings, and Allah be with him, said:
“Get up O sleepy one!”
“When they came on you from above?” refers to the Confederates and “from below you.” We already know from Abu Hudhayfah’s report that these were Banu Qurayzah. When the eyes grew wilder and the hearts reached the throats, refers to fearful terror. You were doubting Allah. Ibn Jarir stated: When the eyes became wild and hearts reached the throats, you had doubts. (Ibn Hisham 1:1522)
Al-Hasan stated about the Ayah, “and you were harboring doubts regarding Allah.” This was also recorded from Abu Amir Al-Aqadi by Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Abridged) Vol 7 Pages 631-651
{11. The believers were then shaken vigorously.
12. The hypocrites and people whose hearts is a sickness said, “Allah and His Messenger promised nothing but delusion!”
13. When one of them said, “O peoples of Yathrib!” You have no place. So, go back!” A group of them asked for permission from the Prophet to say: “Truly our homes lie open.” But they didn’t. They only wanted to flee. }
The Test of Believers and the Position of the Hypocrites in the Battle of Al-Khandaq
Allah tells us the story of what happened when the Confederates attacked Al-Madinah. The Muslims were then besieged and forced to flee. They were tested and beaten with a powerful shaking. They were tested and shaken with a powerful shaking. Others said
“I dreamed of the land to which I would migrate. It was a land between two volcanoes. It was initially Hajar that I thought, but it turned to be Yathrib.” Fath Al-Bari 12.439.
Another narration: Al-Madinah. According to another account, it was believed that Yathrib’s name derives from a man who settled there from Al-Amaliq. His name was Yathrib bin Ubayd Bin Mahlayil bin Aws and Lawudh bin Sam bin Nuh. As-Suhayli agreed with this view. As-Suhayli stated that this was his view. A group of them asked for permission from the Prophet Al Awfi reported, “These were Banu Harithah who said, ‘We fear that our homes may be robbed.'” (At-Tabari 20, 226). Ibn Ishaq said that Aws bin Qayzi was the one who said it. (At-Tabari 20:225)
They used as an excuse to return to their homes the claim that they were lying and had no protection against the enemy. Allah said: They did not lie open. This means that it is not what they claim. They wanted to flee the battlefield.
{14. And if they had been exhorted by Al-Fitnah to enter from all sides, they would most likely have committed it.
15. They had made a covenant to Allah not to turn their backs on Him, so a covenant must be fulfilled.
16. Speak: “Flight won’t be of any avail if you flee death or murder. Then you will only enjoy a short time!”
17. They will not find any protectors or helpers except Allah. }
Allah speaks to us about those who claimed that their homes were open. They only wished to flee.” Had the enemy entered their homes from all sides of Al-Madinah, and then demanded they disbelieve, they would have done it immediately. If they faced fear, they would have refused to abandon their faith or remain steadfast in it. Ibn Jarir, Abdur-Rahman Bin Zayd, and Qatadah all interpreted this as follows: (At-Tabari 20, 227) This is a clear condemnation of them. They are reminded by Allah of the promise they made to Him before they were afraid.
He promised them that they would not abandon the battlefield or turn their backs on Him. “And a covenant must be answered for.” means, Allah will invariably ask them about this covenant. They are then told by Allah that running away from battle won’t delay their death or prolong their lives. In fact, it might cause them to be taken sooner and more quickly. Allah tells them:
“And then you will not enjoy more than a short time!” Meaning, “After you run away from battle!” The Hereafter is better if he has Taqwa (4:77). Then Allah said: “Say to Allah: Who is He who can protect or help you from Allah if He intends harm or has mercy on you?” This means that they don’t have anyone else but Allah to answer their prayers.
{18. Allah knows who among you keep away (men) from fighting for Allah’s cause, and who say to their brothers, “Come here toward us,” even though they are not going to fight except a little.
19. You should not be rude to others. Fear will come and they will look at you as if looking over death. But when the fear passes, they will strike you with their sharp tongues. They have never believed. Allah renders their works useless and makes it easy for them. }
Allah tells us His knowledge includes those who tried to warn others not to go out, and who spoke to their brethren (their friends, companions and acquaintances). “Come Here towards Us,” meaning, go to the shade and enjoy the fruits. However, they “come not to the fight except a little,” i.e. “they have no love or mercy towards us.” As-Suddi stated: “Being misserly towards your.” This refers to having the booty.
They will look at you when fear strikes, their eyes turning like one who hovers over death. This is because they are afraid of fighting. They will strike you with their sharp tongues when fear passes This is because they are afraid of fighting. Ibn Abbas may Allah be pleased with him said: They will smite You means, they will talk about you. (Attabari 20,:232). They are miserly towards goodness, which is a combination of cowardice and lies. Allah said: “Such people have not believed.” Allah renders their works futile and it is always easy for Allah.
{20. They believe that the Confederates are not yet with them; they think they would rather be in the deserts with the Bedouins seeking information about you. }
Another aspect of their cowardice and fear is They believe that the Confederates are not yet out of reach, and that they will be back. “And if the Confederates were to come, they would want to be in the deserts with the bedouins, looking for news about you.” This means that they don’t think they can fight alongside you much because they are weak and cowardly. Allah is the best judge of them.
{21. The Messenger of Allah is a great example for anyone who believes in Allah and the Last Day and who remembers Allah well.
22. When the believers saw the Confederates they declared: “This was what Allah and His messenger had promised us; Allah and His messenger had spoken the truth.” This only added to their faith, and their submission. }
Follow the Messenger
In The Shade of The Qur’an Vol.14 ( Surah Ahzab, Surah Az-Zumar)-This Ayah is a key principle. It instructs us to follow the Messenger in all of his words and deeds. The Prophet was to be used as an example by Allah on the Day of Al-Ahzab. He should be praised for patience, guarding, striving, and waiting for Allah’s guidance. May the peace of Allah and blessings of Allah continue to be with him until the Day of Judgement. To those who felt anxious or impatient on the day Al-Ahzab, Allah said:
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Attitude of Believers to the Confederates
Allah then tells us about His faithful servants who believed Allah’s promise to them, and how He will make their lives better in this world as well as the afterlife. He said, “And when believers saw the Confederates they said: This is what Allah had promised us.” (At-Tabari 20:236). “Certainly, Allah’s help is near!” (2.214). (At-Tabari 2:236).
This means that people’s faith can grow or decrease depending on their circumstances. This is what we have said at the beginning our commentary on AlBukhari. Praise be to Allah. “And it only added” refers, in times of stress and difficulty, to “their faith” in Allah and “to their submissionness.” It means their submission and obedience to His Messenger.
{23. Men who are faithful to Allah’s covenant are called believers. Some have fulfilled their Nahbah, while others are still waiting. But they are not changing in any way.
24. Allah may reward men of truth for truth and punish hypocrites if He chooses. Or, accept their repentance by turning towards them. Allah is Most Merciful, Oft-Forgiving. }
We praise the Believers for their attitude and leave the final fate of the hypocrites to Allah
Allah refers to how hypocrites broke His promise that He would not let them go. However, Allah describes believers as being faithful to their covenant and fulfilling their promise. (Fath Al-Bari 8.377) Some of them still wait, but they have never altered in the least.”
Al-Bukhari noted that Zayd Bin Thabit stated: “When the Mushaf was written down, an Ayah Al-Ahzab from Surat Al-Ahzab had been missing. I used to hear The Messenger of Allah reciting it. Khuzaymah Bin Thabit Al-Ansari was the only one who found it. His testimony, which the Messenger of Allah considered equal to two others, I didn’t find. (The Ayah was “Among believers are men who have been faithful to their covenant with Allah.” (Fath Al-Bari 8.377) This was also recorded by Al-Bukhari, but not Muslim. It was also recorded in Ahmad’s Musnad and by An-Nasa’i’s chapters on Tafsir within their Sunans. At-Tirmidhi said, “Hasan Sahih”. (Ahmad 5:188)
Al-Bukhari also reported that Anas Bin Malik, may Allah bless him, said: “We believe that this Ayah was revealed regarding Anas bin An-Nadr. May Allah be pleased. “Among believers are men who are true to their covenants with Allah.” (Fath Al-Bari 8.377) Although this was only reported by Al-Bukhari there are other reports that support it. Anas stated that his paternal uncle Anas Bin Al-Nadr (may Allah be pleased with him), was not present at Badr with the Messenger of Allah.
This upset him. He stated that he was not able to speak more. He was at Uhud with the Messenger of Allah, where he met Sad Bin Muadh. May Allah be pleased with him. Anas, may Allah bless him, replied to him, “O Abu Amr!” Anas, may Allah be pleased to him, replied to him, “O Abu Amr!” His body was found with eighty-odd stab and spear wounds. His sister, Ar-Rabayyi bint Al–Nadr, said that he was looking for the fragrance of Paradise. (Muslim 3:1512)
Ibn Jarir said that Musa bin Talhah stated: “Muawiyah Bin Abi Sufyan may Allah be pleased for him, stood up, and said, ‘I heard Messenger of Allah say:
“Talhah has fulfilled his Nahbah.” (At-Tirmidhi number. 3432)
Mujahid stated concerning the Ayah that “some have fulfilled their Nahbah”, “and some are still waiting” and they are waiting for victory so they can be successful. Al-Hasan stated: “of their Nahbah” “They died faithful to their covenant and loyal. Some are still waiting to death in a similar fashion and some have not changed in the slightest.” (Attabari 20.239) Some said Nahbah meant a vow.
They have not changed in the slightest.” This means that they did not change their covenant, were disloyal, or commit treachery. However, they remained true to their promises and did not break them. They only wanted to flee.” (33.13). “And indeed, they had already made an agreement with Allah not to change their backs.” (33.15) “That Allah may reward men of truth for truth and punish hypocrites if He wills or accept their repentance and turn to them.” Allah shakes and tests His servants so that He can tell the difference between the good and the bad. Each will be judged by his actions.
Even though Allah knows the outcome of every situation before it happens, He doesn’t punish anyone until they do the right thing. “And sure, We will try you until We test those who work hard and are patient, and we shall test your facts.” (47.31). This is when you know something after it has happened, even though Allah already knows it. Allah said: “Allah won’t leave believers in the current state, until He distinguishes between the good and the evil.” Allah will not reveal to you the secrets that the Unseen.” (3:179).
Allah will reward truth-seekers for their truth, meaning for their perseverance in keeping the promise they made to Allah and their covenant. “and penalize the hypocrites,” who are those who broke the covenant and went against Allah’s commands.
They deserve to be punished but are subject to His will here in the world. They will be left as they are until He comes back, when He will punish them. If He wills He will also guide them to repent their hypocrisy, and to believe in righteousness after they have been wrongdoers or sinners. His kindness and mercy towards His creation outweigh His wrath.
{25. Allah drove away those who believed in their rage, and they lost no advantage. Allah provided for those who believed in Him during the fighting. Allah is All-Strong, All Mighty. }
Allah defeated the Confederates and drove them back.
Allah tells us that he sent against the Confederates a wind and troops from angels to drive them away from Al-Madinah. This wind, if Allah had not made His Messenger a Mercy for the Worlds, would have been even more severe than the one He sent against Ad. But Allah says “And Allah wouldn’t punish them while they are among them” (33:33). After they had assembled on their own whims, Allah sent a wind to disperse them.
They were a mix of parties and tribes with different opinions. Therefore, it was fitting that a wind should send against them to scatter them and break apart their gathering. This would leave them disappointed and lost in their hatred, enmity, and anger.
They didn’t achieve the worldly success they hoped for such as victory and booty, nor did they attain any spiritual good because they declared enmity against Messenger and sought to kill him. One who really wants to do something is as good as the one who does it. “Allah sufficed to the believers in fighting.” This means that they didn’t have to fight them to expel them, but Allah Alone sufficed and helped His servant to win. The Messenger of Allah, peace, and blessings of Allah be upon them, used to say:
“None can be worshipped except Allah, Alone. He was faithful to His promise and He helped His servant. He gave might to His troops and defeated the Confederates by Himself and there is nothing else.”
This Hadith was made by Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him. (Fath Al-Bari 7.469) It was reported that Abdullah bin Abi Awfa said in the Two Sahihs: “The Messenger Allah invoked Allah against all the Confederates”
“O Allah Who revealed the Book, and is quick in bringing it to account, defeat them, O Allah shake them.” (Fath Al-Bari 7,469)
“Allah sufficed to the believers in fighting.” This Ayah suggests that there would be an end to war between them, Quraysh, and the idolators. However, after this, the Muslims attacked the idolators in their own country. Imam Ahmad said that Sulayman bin Surad (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “On Al-Ahzab the Messenger of Allah, peace, blessings of Allah be upon them, said:
“Now, we will attack them but they won’t attack us.” (Ahmad 4:162).
Al-Bukhari also recorded this in his Sahih. (Fath Al-Bari 7:467)
“And Allah Is Ever All-Strong, all-Mighty.” means, He drove them back disappointed, lost, and failed to achieve anything. Allah gave victory to Islam, its followers, fulfilled His promise, and helped His servant, His Messenger. To Him be blessings, praise.
{26. They were backed by the People of the Scripture, Allah brought them down from the forts and put terror in their hearts. A group you killed and a group that you took captives.
27. He gave you their lands and their houses and their riches and a land that you had never seen. Allah can do all things. }
The Campaign against Banu Qurayzah
As we have seen, when the Confederates arrived at Al-Madinah to camp, Banu Qurayzah broke a covenant between them and the Messenger Allah, peace and blessings be upon him. This was done by Huyay Bin Akhtab Annadari, may Allah curse Him,
who entered their stronghold, refusing to leave their leader Kab bin Asad alone, until he agreed that he would break the covenant. He said, “Woe unto you!” This is your chance to shine. The Quraysh, their group of men from different tribes, the Ghatafan, and their followers have come to you.
They will stay here until Muhammad and his companions are eliminated.” Kab replied to Kab, “No, by Allah. This is the chance for humiliation. Woe to thee, O Huyay. You are a terrible omen. Huyay tried to convince him to accept his request until finally he did. Huyay agreed to the condition that, if the Confederates left without doing anything,
He would join them in the stronghold and share their fate. The Messenger of Allah received news that Banu Qurayzah had broken their covenant. This caused great distress among the Muslims and him. After Allah supported him and drove him back, he was disappointed and lost. The Messenger of Allah, peace & blessings of Allah be upon Him, returned triumphant to Al-Madinah and the people laid down their weapons.
The Messenger of Allah was cleaning off the battle dust in Umm Salamah’s house, may Allah be pleased with them. Jibril came to him wearing a brocade turban and riding on a mule, which had a silk brocade cloth. He asked, “Have your weapons been dropped, Messenger of Allah?” He replied, “But the angels are not abandoning their weapons.
” He said, “I have just returned from pursuing people.” Another report says, “What a fighter!” “Have you dropped your weapons?” He replied “Yes.” He then said, “Where?” He asked, “Where are they?” The Messenger of Allah stood immediately and ordered the people to march towards Banu Qurayzah. They were just a few kilometers from Al-Madinah. This was after Salat Abdhuhr. He stated,
“No one should pray Asr apart from Banu Qurayzah.” (Bukhari 41119)
The people then set off, and the time came for the prayer while they were still on their way. Some of them prayed along the road, saying that “The Messenger of Allah only wanted us to march quickly.” Other people said that they would not pray until they reach Banu Qurayzah. Neither group was rebuked.
They were followed by the Messenger of Allah, peace, and blessings of Allah be upon them. He took Ibn Umm Maktum (may Allah be pleased) in charge of Al-Madinah and he had given Ali bin Abi Talib the flag, may Allah bless him. The Messenger of Allah (Banu Qurayzah), went to them, and laid siege to them for twenty five days.
After this went on for too long they agreed to the judgment of Sad bin Muadh. They had been their allies during Jahiliyyah so they believed that he would treat them with the same kindness as Abdullah bin Ubayy Bin Salul had treated his Banu Qaynuqa allies when he asked the Messenger of Allah for their release. These people believed that Sad would treat them the same way Ibn Ubayy did for those people.
They didn’t know that Sad had been injured by an arrow through his medial arm vein during Al-Khandaq’s campaign. His vein had been cauterized by the Messenger of Allah and he had taken Sad to stay in a Masjid tent so that he could keep an eye on him. Sad, may Allah be pleased, stated in his supplication, “O Allah! If there is anything left to do with the war against Quraysh. Then keep me alive for it.
And if You decide that the war between us is over, then let me continue to live until I receive my satisfaction regarding Banu Qurayzah.” Allah answered the prayer and said that they would be referred to him to judge. This was their choice. The Messenger of Allah summoned him from Al-Madinah for his judgement. He arrived on a specially-equipped donkey, and some Aws tried to encourage him not to be harsh. But he kept silent and didn’t answer. He said that Sad would make sure that no censure or rebuke would divert him from the path to Allah. Then, they realized that he wouldn’t let them live.
He reached the tent that contained the Messenger, Allah. The Messenger of Allah, peace, and blessings be upon him, said:
“Stand up to your leader.”
The Muslims stood by him and treated him with respect and honor, so that his judgment would have greater impact. The Messenger of Allah spoke to him when he sat down.
He called them “These people”, and pointed out that they “have accepted your judgment, so pass judgment on them as you like.”
Sad, may Allah be pleased to him, said: “Yes.” The Messenger of Allah replied, “Yes.” He pointed to the side of the Messenger, but did not directly look at him out of respect. He was told by the Messenger of Allah: “Yes.”
So Sad, may Allah be pleased to him, stated: “My judgment is that their fighters must be killed, and their children should be taken. The Messenger of Allah also said:
“You have ruled according to the rulings of Allah from the seven heavens.”
Another report states that “You’ve been judged according the ruling of The Sovereign.” (Similar was also recorded in Bukhari 422)
The Messenger of Allah, peace, blessings, and favors of Allah be upon them, ordered that ditches be dug. They were then tied to their shoulders and beheaded. They were seven hundred to eight hundred. The wealth of the children and women who were not yet in their teens was taken away. (At-Tabari 20:247)
This is all stated in the book of Sirah, both in detail and briefly, along with Hadiths. Praise and blessings to Allah. Allah said: ‘And those who supported them, Allah brought their down’ refers to those who helped or supported Banu Qurayzah (Jews from one of the Israeli tribes). Their forefathers had settled long ago in the Hijaz, seeking to follow in the footsteps of the Unlettered Prophet whom they read in Injil and Tawrah.
“Then, when they saw the thing they recognized, they believed in it” (2.89). May Allah curse them. “from the forts” refers to their strongholds. This was Mujahid, Ikrimah and Qatadah’s view. (At-Tabari 20,:249) “and put terror into their hearts”means fear. They had supported the idolators during their war against the Messenger. The one who knows isn’t like the one that doesn’t know. They wanted to terrorize the Muslims and kill them to gain earthly power.
But their plans backfired and the idolators fled. The believers won the war against the Messenger of Allah and the disbelievers lost. Where they had intended for glory, they were humbled. They tried to eliminate the Muslims, but they themselves were exterminated. They are also doomed in Heaven, so they are considered losers by all accounts. “A group you killed and a group that you made captives.” Those who were killed were their soldiers, while the prisoners were their children or women.
Imam Ahmad said that Atiyah Al Qurazi stated, “I was presented to the Prophet on Qurayzah because they weren’t sure about me.” They were instructed by the Prophet to examine me and see if I had grown any hair. They saw that I hadn’t grown any body hair so they released me. (Ahmad 4;383) “And Allah caused you to inherit the lands, their houses, their riches, and their lands” This was either Khaybar or the Persians or Romans lands. Ibn Jarir stated, “It is possible that all these are referred ” (At-Tabari 20,:250).
Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Abridged) Vol 7 Pages 651-673
{28. O Prophet! Tell your wives, “If you want the life of this world and all its glitter, then come!” I will provide for you and free you in a handsome way.
29. “But if you desire Allah and His Messenger, and the Home of the Hereafter, then verily, Allah has prepared for the doers of good among you an enormous reward.”|”But, if you wish Allah and His Messenger, the Home of The Hereafter, then verily Allah has prepared for you an immense reward.”}
The Wives of the Prophet Have the Choice
n The Shade of The Qur’an Vol.14 ( Surah Ahzab, Surah Az-Zumar)-This is where Allah commands His Messenger that his wives have the option of seperating from him or to continue to live with him in this world. They chose Allah, His Messenger and the Home in the Hereafter. May Allah be pleased with them. Allah granted them the best of both this world and the Hereafter. Al-Bukhari told the story from A’ishah may Allah be pleased to hear that she was the wife of Prophet when the Messenger of Allah came and spoke to her. She stated, “The Messenger to Allah began with me and said:
“I’m going to tell you something, and you don’t have to hasten until you consult with your parents.”
He understood that I would never be allowed to leave him by my parents. He said, “Allah says, “O Prophet!” He recited the two Ayat to his wives …”. He said, “Concerning which Ayat should I consult with my parents?” (Fath Al-Bari 8.379) He also narrated the story without a chain and said that A’ishah said to him: “Concerning what do I need to consult my parents?” (Ahmad 6.45).
It was recorded by (Al-Bukhari) from the Hadith Al-Amash. (Fath Al-Bari 9.280) Imam Ahmad said that Jabir, may Allah bless him, asked permission to see the Messenger. He and his companions were sitting at his doors, while the Prophet was still sitting. But he refused to give permission. Umar, may Allah bless him, arrived and asked permission to visit him. He refused. He then gave permission to Abu Bakr, may Allah be with them, and they entered. He was sat with his wives, and was still silent. Umar, may Allah bless him, said,
“I will tell Prophet something to make him smile.” [Figuratively] Umar, May Allah be happy with him said, “O Messenger of Allah! If only you had seen Zayd’s daughter – the wife Umar – asking me for money on her right now! I broke her neck!” The Messenger of Allah then revealed the Ayah to him telling him to choose A’ishah. He replied,
“I’m going to tell you something and I would prefer you to not hasten to reply until you consult with your parents.”
She asked, “What is it?” He replied to her, “O Prophet!” Your wives …” Aishah may Allah be pleased with them, asked, “Do I need to consult mine parents regarding you?” He replied:
“Allah didn’t send me to be hard, but He sent to me to teach in an easy and gentle way.” “If any one of them asks me about my decision, I will tell her.” (Ahmad 3,328).
This was also recorded by Muslim but not Al-Bukhari. An-Nasa’i also captured it. (Muslim 2:1104)
Ikrimah stated: “At that point he was married with nine women, five were from Quraysh-A’ishah and Hafsah. Umm Habibah and Sawdah were also married to him, may Allah be happy with them. He was also married to Safiyyah Bint Huyay An-Nadariyyah. Maymunah bint Al-Harith Al-Hilaliyyah. Zaynab bint Jahsh Al-Asadiyyah. Juwayriyyahbint Al-Harith Al-Mustalaqiyyah. May Allah be pleased with them all. (At-Tabarai 20:252)
{30. O wives of Prophet! If one of you commits open Fahishah it will double the pain for her, and Allah is always good to her.
31. And to Allah and His Messenger who is faithful and does righteous deeds, We will give her twice the reward and have prepared for her a noble provision. }
The wives of the Prophet are different from other women
This Ayah is addressed specifically to the wives and children of the Prophet, peace and blessings to Allah. It was fitting that rules should only be applied to them and not other women in the event of open Fahishah. Ibn Abbas may Allah be pleased with him said: “This is Nushuz (rebellion), and a bad attitude.” (Al -Baghawi 3:1527) This is a conditional phrase, and does not mean that the referred to will actually occur. This is similar to the Ayat. He is the One, the Irresistible. But praise Him! He is Allah,
The One, the Insistible.” (39.4) Their status is so high that it is appropriate to say that the sin if they did commit it would be so much more severe to protect their Hijab. Allah said: “Whoever commits an open Fahishah will suffer twice the torment.” This was Malik’s narration from Zayd bin Aslam. It is easy. In the Ayah, Allah refers to His justice and His bounty.
{32. O wives of Prophet! You are different from other women. Keep Taqwa in your heart, and speak with honor.
33. Stay in your homes and don’t Tabarruj yourself like the Tabarruj from the times of ignorance. Allah only desires to cleanse you from the Ar-Rijs, O family members, and to cleanse you with thorough purification.
34. Remember, the Ayats of Allah and Al-Hikmah are recited in your homes. Verily Allah is Always Most Courteous and Well-Acquainted With All Things. }
Instructing certain Manners in order that the Mothers of Believers might be an Example; and, the Prohibition of Tabarruj
These are the good manners Allah instructed the wives of Prophet to exhibit so that the Ummah would follow their example. Allah addressed the wives of Prophet and said that they should obey Allah’s commands and that no other woman can be as good or as powerful as them. Then Allah said: “Then be not soft speech,” Assuddi and other commentators stated that this means don’t be gentle when speaking to men.
“Let him in whose heart there is a disease should not be moved with desire,” refers to something unclean. “But speak in an honourable manner.” Ibn Zayd stated: “Let him in whose heart is a disease should be moved with desire.” (Attabarani 20.258) A woman should not address non-Mahram males in the same manner as she addresses her husband. “And remain in your homes,” is to stay in your homes and not leave except for a purpose. Prayer in the Masjid is one of the purposes mentioned by Shariah, provided that the conditions are met, as the Messenger Allah, may Allah’s peace be upon him, stated:
“Do you want to prevent female servants from Allah’s Masjids? But have them go outside without perfume?” (Abu Dawud 1 :381)
Another report says: (Abu Dawud 1:1382) “And don’t Tabarruj yourself like the Tabarruj in the times of ignorance” Mujahid stated that “Women used go out walking infront of men and this was the Tabarruj Jahiliyyah.” Muqatil bin Hayyan stated: “Tabarruj” is when a woman puts on a Khimar but doesn’t tie it correctly. (Ad-Dur Al-Manthur 6 :602) Her necklaces, earrings, neck and neck are all important.
Those are the facts. This is Tabarruj. Allah addresses all women believers regarding Tabarruj. “and do the Salah, give Zakah, and obey Allah’s Messenger.” This is an example of something specific being followed up by something general.
His Wives (Ahl Al-Bayt),
“Allah only wishes to remove Ar-Rijs form you, O family members, and to purify your body with a thorough purification.” Ibn Jarir noted that Ikrimah used the phrase to call out to the market: “Allah only wishes to remove Ar’Rijs form you, O family members, and to purify your body with a thorough purification.” (Ad Durr Al-Manthur 5 :376) They were the only reason for revelation. However, others could be included as a generalization.
Ibn Jarir told the story that Safiyyah Bint Shaybah said that Safiyyah was wearing a striped cloak made of black camel hair. Al-Hasan (may Allah be pleased with his), came and wrapped him in the cloth. Al-Husayn came, may Allah be with him, and wrapped him in the blanket with him. Fatimah, may Allah bless her, arrived and wrapped him in the cloak. Ali, may Allah bless him, arrived and wrapped him in the cloth with him.
“Allah only wishes to remove Ar-Rijs form you, O members, and to purify your body with a thorough purification.”
This was recorded by Muslim. (Muslim 2081)
The Commandment to Follow the Qur’an & Sunnah
When one ponders the meanings of the Qur’an, they will see that the wives and daughters of the Prophet are mentioned in the Ayah “Allah only wishes to remove Ar-Rijs form you, O members, and to purify your body with a thorough purification.” The context clearly refers to them. Meaning, “Act in accordance with the Qur’an, Sunnah, and Allah revealed to His Messenger in you houses.” At-Tabari 20.268, “And remember this blessing with whom you alone have been favored,” meaning, ‘act in accordance with the Qur’an and Sunnah which Allah revealed to His Messenger in your homes.
” The revelation was not revealed to the Messenger, may Allah’s peace be upon him, in any of his wives but hers. Scholars, may Allah have mercy upon them, stated that the revelation was not given to him because he didn’t marry another virgin and that no man had ever slept in her bed with him before. It was fitting that she was singled out for this blessing. If his wives are his relatives, this title will be even more appropriate.
Ibn Abi Hatim noted that Abu Jamilah claimed that Al-Hasan bin Ali (may Allah be pleased to them both) was the Khalifah who was murdered. Husayn said that he heard the man who stabbed him was from Banu Asad and that Al-Hasan was prostrating at that time. He stated, “They claimed he had a wound in his hip.” After being ill for several months, he finally recovered.
He said, “O people of Iraq!” We are your leaders and guests. Allah has Taqwa concerning us. Allah also said that we were members of the family (Ahl Al-Bayt). Al-Hikmah is the Sunnah. Ibn Jarir narrates this story. (At-Tabari 20, 268) Atiyah Al-Awfi made comments on the Ayah. He asked when and where to reveal Al-Hikmah. This was then recorded by Ibn Abi Hatim. “
{35. Verily, Muslims: Men and Women, Believers: Men and Women, The Qanit: Men and Women, Truthful: Men and Women, the Khashi, men or women, men or women who give Sadaqat. }
The Reason For Revelation
Imam Ahmad said that Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her), the wife of Prophet, said, “I said that to the Prophet, ‘Why’s it that we aren’t mentioned in the Qur’an like men?'” Then, one day, without me realizing it, I heard him calling from the Minbar. I was combing my hair and then I went to my room in my house and started listening.
“O people! Verily Allah said: “Verily, Muslims: Men and Women, Believers: Men and Women …”
“to the end of the Ayah.” (Ahmad 6:35). This recording was also made by An-Nasa’i, Ibn Jarir. (At-Tabari 20:270)
“Verily, Muslims: men, women, believers: men …”” This indicates that Iman is not Islam. Say: “You don’t believe, but you only say, “We have given up (in Islam),” because faith has not yet entered into your hearts. (49:14). It is found in the Two Sahihs:
“An adulterer is not guilty of adultery when he believes.” (Fath Al-Bari 10.33)
It takes away his Iman. However, that doesn’t mean he is a disbeliever according to the consensus among the Muslims. As we stated in our commentary on Al-Bukhari, this indicates that Iman is more specific and precise than Islam. “the Quanit: Men and Women,” Al-Qunut is obedience that lasts for a long time. “Is someone who (Qanit) prostrates himself or stands in the middle of night, fearing God …” and hoping for His mercy (39:9).
“To Him belongs everything in the heavens as well as the earth. All are Uqnuti to Him (Qanitun).” (30:26). “O Maryam!” “Uqnuti (Qanitun) to your Lord, prostrate, and bow together with Ar-Rakiin (“those who bow”) (3:43). “And stand before Allah Qanitin (2: 238). Beyond Islam, there is an even higher level, which is Iman. Qunut is derived from both of them.
These are the men and women who speak truthfully. Truthfulness is a highly prized attribute. It is not known that some Companions, may Allah be pleased, have ever lied, either during Jahiliyyah or in Islam. Truthfulness is a sign that you believe, and lying is a sign that you are hypocritical. The truthful person will be saved
Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads you to Paradise. Beware of lying. It can lead to immorality, and vice versa. To Allah, a man will continue to tell the truth and will strive to keep it up until he is recorded as truthful. A man will continue to tell lies until Allah records him as a liar. (Muslim 4 :2013).
There are many Hadiths that address this topic. “the women and men who are patient,” This is the attribute that distinguishes those who are steadfast. It is patience in the face adversity, and the knowledge that what is promised will come to pass.
They face the challenges with patience and perseverance. When disaster strikes first, patience is most important. However, it becomes much easier after that. This is true of steadfastness. “the Khashi” Khushu is serenity, tranquility, deliberation, dignity and humility. The fear of Allah and the awareness He is always watching are what motivate people to live like this, according to the Hadith.
“Worship Allah like you can see Him. For if He cannot see you, He can see you.” (Fath Al-Bari 1:140).
“the men, women and children who give Sadaqat,” As Sadaqah means to do good to those who are poor or in need and who have no income to support themselves financially. They give them their excess wealth as an act of obedience to Allah and as a deed to His creation. It was noted in the Two Sahihs.
“There’s seven people Allah will shade with His shade on the Day when there is no shade but His Shade. – And among them he listed -…a man that gave in charity, and then concealed it so his left hand didn’t know what he was giving.” (Fath Al-Bari 268).
Another Hadith:
“Sadaqah extinguishes evil deeds like water extinguishes flame.” (Tuhfat Al-Ahwadhi, 3:237)
Many Hadiths encourage charitable giving. This topic is covered in more detail elsewhere. “The men and women who fast” According to an Hadith narrated Ibn Majah
“Fasting the Zakah is the body.” (Ibn Majah 1 555)
It purifies and cleanses the body of all things that are harmful in Shari and physical terms. Said bin Jubayr stated: “Whoever fasts Ramadan, and three days in a month, is included” “The men and women who fast” Fasting, according to the Messenger of Allah, is also one of best ways to overcome one’s desires.
“O young men! Let the young men get married if they can. It is the most effective way to lower the gaze and protect the chastity. “And whoever is unable to get married, let him fast for protection.” (Fath Al-Bari 9, 14)
It seems appropriate that the next be mentioned “the women and men who guard their chastity.” This means that they protect their private parts against forbidden and sinful activities, except those that are permitted. Allah tells us: “And those who protect their chastity. They are not to blame if they keep their wives away or have the right to possess them. But whosoever seeks to go beyond that, it is the trespassers.” (70,29-31) Ibn Abi Hatim reported that Abu Said Al-Khudri said that the Messenger, may Allah’s peace be with him, said:
“If a husband wakes his wife at night, and they pray two Rakahs together, it will be recorded that they are among those who remember Allah very well.”
This was recorded by Abu Dawud and An-Nasa’i from the Hadith Abu Said (and Abu Hurayrah), may Allah be pleased with them both. (Abu Dawud 2:74)
Imam Ahmad said that Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with his words: “The Messenger (of Allah) was walking along a Makkah road, and he reached (the mountain of Jumdan), and said,
- “This Jumdan, you can go ahead, because the Mufarridun are going ahead.”
- They asked, “Who are the Mufarridun?” He replied,
- “The men, and the women who remember Allah very well”
- He said then,
- “O Allah! Forgive those who have shaved their heads.”
- They said, “And those who shortened.” He replied,
- “O Allah! Forgive those who have shaved their heads.”
- They said, “And those who shortened.” He replied,
- “And those that shortened.”
This narration was used by Imam Ahmad to record it. It was also recorded by Muslim except for the last portion. “Allah prepared for them for forgiveness and a great rewards.” Allah says that He prepared for all those mentioned in this Ayah for forgiveness of their sins, and a great reward meaning Paradise.
{36. It is not for believers, men or women, to decide that Allah and His Messenger should have the final say in a matter. If a person disobeys Allah or His Messenger, it is clear that he has committed a simple error. }
The Reason For Revelation
Imam Ahmad said that Abu Barzah Al-Aslami stated: “Julaybib used to joke with women and enter upon them.” I told my wife, “Do not allow Julaybib to enter upon you. For if he enters upon me, I will do such and such.” If an Ansar had only one female relative, they would not arrange marriage until they knew whether the Prophet wanted to marry her. One of the Ansar heard this from the Prophet:
“Give us your daughter for marriage.”
He replied, “Yes, O Messenger Allah, it would have been an honor and blessing.”
“I don’t want her for me.”
He asked, “Then for whom O Messenger of Allah?” He replied,
“For Julaybib.”
He replied, “O Messenger of Allah. Let me consult your mother.” Then he said, “He is not proposing to mar her, but he is proposing for Julaybib.” She responded, “What!” Julaybib She will not marry him to her by Allah. After he had won his military campaign, the Messenger of Allah said to his companions, “May Allah be pleased with them.”
- “See if anyone is missing.”
- They stated that they had lost so-and so, and so on. He added,
- “Seek out missing persons.”
- They replied, “No one.” He added:
- “But, I see that Julaybib’s missing.” He stated:
- “Go to him among the dead.”
They searched for him and found him among seven enemies he had killed prior to his own death. They replied, “O Messenger of Allah! Here he is, alongside seven enemy killed before he himself was killed.”
“He killed seven people before he was killed.” He is my brother and I am his .”
This was repeated two to three times. The Messenger of Allah then carried him in his arms, held him while his grave were dug, and then placed him in the grave. He washed him. May Allah be pleased with him.
Thabit, may Allah be pleased to him, stated: “There wasn’t a widow among the Ansar more sought-after for marriage than this girl.” Ishaq Bin Abdullah bin Abi Talhah questioned Thabit: “Do you know how Messenger of Allah prayed?” Thabit replied: “He said,
“O Allah! Pour blessings upon her, and do not make it difficult for her.”
“And this is what it was. There was no widow among Ansar more sought-after for marriage than she.” This is how Imam Ahmad recorded it. Al-Fada’il was recorded by Muslim and An-Nasa’i about his death. (Muslim 2482). Al-Hafiz Abu Umar Bin Abd Al-Barr mentions in Al-Istiab, that the girl said, in her isolation, “Are you refusing the command of Allah?” “It’s not for a believer when Allah and His Messenger have decreed that they should have any choice in their decision.” . (Al-Istiab 1:259).
Tawus asked Ibn Abbas if he would pray two Rakahs following Asr. He replied that he did not think that a believer, man or woman, should have any choice in the matter. Ibn Abbas said: Tawus asked Ibn Abbas about praying two Rakahs after Asr. He told him not to. Allah said: “But no, Lord, they cannot have any faith until they make you judge all disputes between them, find in themselves no resistance to your decisions, and submit (them with full submission)” (Abdur-Razzaq 2:433)
Product details – In The Shade of The Qur’an Vol.14 ( Surah Ahzab, Surah Az-Zumar)
- Publisher : The Islamic Foundation
- Language : English
- Paperback : 496 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0860374262
- ISBN-13 : 978-0860374268
- Item Weight : 1.62 pounds
- Dimensions : 6.1 x 1.5 x 9.1 inches
The Holy Quran | El Coran |
Mushaf al-Madinah | Quran French |
The Clear Quran | Tajweed Rules |
Quran Kareem | The Study Quran |
The 99 Names of Allah | Laylat-ul-Qadr |