Since its 1400 year anniversary, the Qur’an is a guide and inspiration book, a reference point and a rich source for social and moral dynamism. It has also been the foundation of hundreds of millions of believers around the globe who consider it the immutable word and truth of God. It seems like every generation is attempting to understand the Qur’an’s meanings and gain a deeper understanding of its universal message from a modern perspective.
Suggested Read: Quran French, The Quran: English Translation, Textual Criticism and Qur’an Manuscripts

Under The Shade Of The Qur’an is much more than another commentary. However, it isn’t too far-reaching or outrageous to be considered a new interpretation. It’s a sincere, honest and sober examination of man’s current achievements and problems in light of the Qur’an’s message. It is an attempt to vigorously explore its rich wisdom and expand its invaluable guidance in the interest of a more’sophisticated’ but highly perplexed society.
This work, Sayyid Qutb’s most extensive and profound, covers the entire Qur’an text. It was completed over 15 years. Most of it was spent in Egyptian prisons during the 1950s and 60s. It contains Sayyid Qutb’s insights, highly regarded intellectual vigor and widely-acclaimed literary prowess.
Under The Shade Of The Qur’an has been widely recognized as an outstanding contribution in Islamic thought and scholarship to which scholars and students, as well as current Islamic revivalist movements around the globe, owe a lot. It is now available in English and will continue to inspire and educate millions more. It will be an indispensable reference work for understanding contemporary Islamic thought.
Sayid Qutb was imprisoned and then executed for his vigorous struggle to implement Islam in society. The Intellectual level is where the struggle of the author is expressed in a series of books dedicated to Islam, the most significant of which is “In the Shade of the Qur’an”.
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The Author: Syed Qutb died true to his teachings and for the principles he stood for. A military court founded by Nasser sentenced him to death and executed him. He wrote his jihad against all the jahiliyya he saw around him.
Born in Egypt in 1906 and executed by Gamal Abdu-l-Nasser’s Regime in 1966.
Qutb began his career as an inspector of schools at the Egyptian Ministry of Education. Qutb also attempted to become a writer. He published a few books, but not much success. In Travels to USA, Qutb received a master’s degree at the Colorado State College of Education.
In 1951 Qutb went back to Egypt and joined the Muslim Brotherhood. 1952 saw the First edition of his commentary In the Shade of the Qur’an (Fi Zilal al Qur’an). This work would have 29 additional volumes
1954: He and many others were arrested and sentenced together to long imprisonment. They were released in 1964 after ten years. In 1965, he was again arrested for. He is allegedly part of the plot to assassinate President Gamal Abdul l-Nasser.
After being convicted in the plot of 1965, he was executed on 29 August 1966. His Soul may Allah Bless him
Surah Al-Anfal, which is the 8th Surah from the Holy Quran, contains a total 75 verses. It was revealed in the second year of Hijrat, and was completed following the battle at Badr. It deals with military operations and conduct.
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Surah Name | Surah Al-Anfal |
Makki/Madni | Makki |
Surah Number | 8th |
No. | 75 |
No. | 1233 |
No. | 10 |
No. | None |
Position | Juz 9-10 |
Hizb No. | 15-19 |
The Battle of Badr is not mentioned in this Surah. However, it does describe the conditions of the battle multiple times. The Ayah above makes it clear that the victory of the Muslims against the vast army of Makkah is due to Allah’s help.
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Background Surah Al-Anfal
Before we discuss the main reasons for the Battle of Badr it is important to understand why it happened.
First, Islam was not fully settled after the migration because there were very few Muslims who accepted it.
Second, the Muslims weren’t in a position to combat those who spread chaos that made moral rights irreplaceable. The Muslims are not allowed to fully express their faith.
The Quraish saw this weakness and planned to overthrow the Muslims. They wanted to kill the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H), so no one can oppose their old culture.
The Main Theme of Surah Al-Anfal is
Suggested Read: The Clear Quran, El Coran and The Essential Book of Quranic Words
This Surah’s first main theme relates to the Battle at Badr. All rules of war are mentioned. The second theme concerns the belief in Allah through the act sacrificed to gain martyrdom.
The Battle of Badr:
‘Ghazwa e Badr’ is another name for the battle.
The Battle of Badr took place on Tuesday, 13 th of February in the 2 nd years of Hijrat. It was fought against Makkah’s Quraish tribe members. It was fought to protect and foster Islam.
This battle saw 313 Muslims fighting with 6 Armored soldiers and 8 swords. There were also 70 camels and 2 horsemen. Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Ali (R.A.), and many more great personalities made up the Muslim army.
The non-Muslim army had 1000 soldiers. They had 600 Armored soldiers, all of whom carried weapons. They owned 700 camels, 300 horses and a fleet of 300 horses.
The Badr was occupied by non-Muslims, who occupied all important areas with resources. Muslims occupied the remaining places without water sources. The Almighty Allah performed a nightly miracle of rain, which provided enough water for the Muslim army.
A strong wind also blows at night. It blew out all the tents of non Muslims as they gambled, which seemed like a clear victory and the end for Muslims.
The Muslims won this battle. This battle was a great victory for Muslims, as all remaining survivors accepted Islam with the exception of two. Muslims lost only 14 people while non Muslims lost 70 and 70. 70 of these were taken prisoner. They were very well treated.
Major Lessons and Guideline:
This Surah explains the reasons why the enemy is defeated. This was the first battle for justice. It is often referred to as the battle between truth, and falsehood.
- A righteous person shouldn’t fear the wrong person.
- Fighting for causes should not be about the gains.
- There have been laws that relate to war and peace.
These relationships should be respected even if you are living in non-Muslim nations.
The Benefits of Reciting Surah Al-Anfal
This Surah keeps one firm in belief by being recited every month. It prevents a person becoming a hypocrite.
- On the Day of Judgment, the person who recites this Surah will be highly respected.
- One person can do as many good works as there are hypocrites.
- If a person wears this Surah amulet, it helps him to get his rights.
- He will always win in making people happy with his point-of-view in a dispute.
- This Surah will help you fulfill your righteous wishes.
Surah Al-Anfal Wazifa for Attaining Better Results:
This is a simple Wazifa. You only need to recite the 62 and Ayahs of this Surah seven times before you enter the examination hall. To get good results, make sure that you have done a new Wudu. This will make the exam easy and you’ll get great grades.
I hope you found this article helpful, especially for those still on the journey to learn and succeed.
Product details
- Publisher : The Islamic Foundation
- Language : English
- Paperback : 352 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0860373827
- ISBN-13 : 978-0860373827
- Weight : 1.23 pounds
About the Author
Sayyid Qutb (1906-1966), was a leading thinker in the second half of the 20th century. He was born in Egypt in 1906 and came from a religious Egyptian family. He began his career as a literary critic and writer, but he went on to be one of the most innovative and independent Muslim thinkers. He was a man of conviction who wrote well, and this made him a favorite among his followers and readers.
However, he became more conformist to those in power. He refused to compromise his views and was executed by the Nasser regime in Egypt on August 1, 1966. Sayyid Qutb is the author of more than 25 literary works, of which In the Shade of the Qur’an (his tafsir) is the largest and most significant.
The Holy Quran | El Coran |
Mushaf al-Madinah | Quran French |
The Clear Quran | Tajweed Rules |
Quran Kareem | The Study Quran |
The 99 Names of Allah | Laylat-ul-Qadr |