An Islamic Studies Grade 8 Printable Worksheets Download

Dear Parents and Teachers, I am rearranging the best resources as per the order of the All-Islamic Studies chapters; request you to kindly share these worksheets especially of those lessons Islamic Studies all Grades that are not found everywhere. You can email hdhuddi @

Honesty, Surah YaSeen, Rules of Madd, incerity in Islam, Al Qadr, dua istikhara, salatul istikhara, how to pray salatul istikhara, istikhara dua, salatul istikhara dua, istikhara prayer, duas for istikhara

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Alasad Online Quran Tutor,Free Islamic and Educational Platform

Alasad Online Quran Tutor,Free Islamic and Educational Platform

Alasad Online Quran Tutor,Free Islamic and Educational Platform


Honesty of the Prophet

  • Surah YaSeen
  • 2. Rules of Madd
  • Rules of Madd worksheets
  • 3. Actions are Judged only by Intentions
  • Actions are Judged worksheets
  • 4. Sincerity
  • Sincerity in Islam worksheets
  • 5. Good Earning
  • Lawful Livelihood Earning
  • Lawful/Wholesome Livelihood
  • For UAE Food Connect
  • 6. The Gift of Security
  • The Gift of Security worksheets
  • UNIT 2:
  • 1. People of the City
  • Inhabitants of the City: Surah YaSeen (13-19)
  • 2. Getting Closer to Allah SWT
  • Getting Closer to Allah worksheets
  • Predestination
  • Belief in Divine Decree and Predestination
  • Al Qadr: Fate and Destiny worksheets
  • 4. Prayers for Certain Purposes
  • Salatul Istikhara worksheets
  • Salatul Istisqa worksheets
  • Prayers for Certain Occasions worksheets
  • Prayers for Certain Purposes worksheets
  • 5. Al Shifa bint Abdullah Al Adawiya


  • 1. The Story of the Believer
  • Story of the Believer worksheets
  • 2. The Holiest Mosques
  • The Holiest Mosques worksheets
  • 3. The Conquest of Makkah
  • The Conquest of Makkah worksheets
  • 4. Travel Manners
  • Travel Manners worksheets
  • 5. Umrah Rules
  • UNIT 4:
  • 1. The Power of Allah Worksheets
  • Surah YaSeen, 33–54 worksheets
  • 2. Secondary Madd worksheets
  • Madd Rules worksheets
  • Secondary Madd worksheets
  • 3. Merits of the Believer
  • 4. Social Cohesion
  • Social Cohesion – worksheets
  • 5. Prohibition of Frightening People
  • UNIT 5:
  • 1. The Path to Paradise
  • 2. Modelling Good Deeds
  • 3. Oaths and Vows
  • Oaths – Notes worksheets
  • 4. The Battle of Hunayn
  • Battle of Hunayn worksheets
  • 5. My Health is my Responsibility
  • My Health is My Responsibility worksheets
  • UNIT 6:
  • 1. Evidence of the Oneness
  • 2. Maintaining Ties of Kinship worksheets
  • 3. Knowledge Brings Enlightenment & Status
  • 5. Imam Al-Shafe’i

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Islamic Studies Grade 7 , Islamic Studies Grade 6 , Jihad in Islamic History, Islam in Modern History, Islamic Imperialism, Islamic Homosexualities, Islam in Global History, Islam, Classical Islam, A History of God , Define Divine Love, Islamic Studies Grade 5 , Islamic Studies Grade 4 , MASHALLAH

Assignments on Good earnings


Divine decree-and Prede tination Muqeet


Good earning Printable Worksheet


Grade -Practice Book Printable Worksheet


Grade-8- Getting closer to Allah


Hunayn Historic Printable Worksheet


Mind map Facts Printable Worksheet


Prohibition of Frighting People


Secondary Madd Printable Worksheet


SURAH al-Qadr Printable Worksheet


Target Sheet Good earning Printable Worksheet


The Gift of Security worksheet-


The Gift of Security worksheet-3


The Gift of Security worksheet-4


The Gift of Security Printable Worksheet


The Path tp Paradise Printable Worksheet


The story of the believer of ya-sin Family


Treaty of Hudaybiyyah Printable Worksheet


Types of Madd Printable Worksheet


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