Uncovering the Effective Educational Techniques Used by Prophet Muhammad PBUH “They replied: “Glory to You! It is You, who we have no knowledge except for what You have taught us; indeed You, are the most effective. You are the All-Knowing, the All-Wise” (Quran, 2:32)1.
The connection between knowledge and our day-to-day behaviors is a major theme in psychology. Joachim Funke, a professor of Experimental &Theoretical Psychology at the University of Heidelberg, while arguing his part said that, it is not always possible to act without knowing.
Nevertheless, each new child toddler has the intuition to hold on and suck milk in a rhythmic manner from the breast of his or her mom and that natural movement requires knowledge. To whom did they receive this know-how to be able to live?
The different example that suggests that Allah ﷻ is the One who teaches us everything is within the Quranic verse, “And amongst you there maybe he who is delivered returned to the depressing age, so he recognizes not a thing after recognizing”. This kingdom of forgetting even the names and faces of the family members is refereed as Alzheimer’s disease which occurs in human beings who are of sixty- five years and above. In this respect through His lovely names “The All Knower” or “The First Light” therefore; Allah ﷻ is therefore the Absolute Teacher and the Absolute Guide of mankind as stated in the Quranic verse “And Allah taught Adam all the names.” (Quran; 2: 31).

This is perhaps the reason behind the following ayah; “Is he who changed into dead via lack of expertise and We gave him expertise and set for him Light of Belief wherein he can walk amongst males; like he who’s in the darkness?” (Quran; 6: 122)
Surely, Al-Ilm in Islam is Huda; the Light which separates right from wrong; Al Furqan. Hence, as with the solar shining light into our eyes to look the world round us, identical way Al-Ilm is the source to steer and see the Truth.
The divine status of expertise in Islam can also be affirmed by way of the fact that the word ‘technology’ and its derivatives appear 779 instances (on average seven times a section) in the Quran. This is the second one simplest to the word “Allah.” The Chosen One PBUH become then decided on to train his fans and all humanity as a way to erase their lack of know-how with knowledge. In order to highlight the importance of knowledge to humanity, the primary Quranic verse dispatched to Prophet Muhammad PBUH by Allah ﷻ through Angel Gabriel commenced with “Read!”(Quran; ninety six:1-five) .
“In fact, Allah granted a grand blessing upon the believers during the time he chose for their Prophet a man from among themselves, Who recites to them Allah’s words and supervises/teaches/ purifies them with the Book (the Quran) as well as inspiration (Sunnah), While they had been in clear error previously.” (Quran; 3:164).
If Prophet Muhammad PBUH is to be able to fully transmit his message, he had to speak to the hearts to become the loved one, with an aim of urging the followers to listen to him. Secondly, as a way to be capable to maximize the effects of his message that may utterly remodel the conduct of human beings, he used a type of communication that made his fan’s assume at some point of his tutorial methods particularly based mostly on frequent studying and analogies four-
Here are some of the strategies of his coaching methods: Here are some of the strategies of his coaching methods:
It also means that the Prophet PBUH could use the Sight repeatedly, three times, to the same peoples.
He applied this element in its second form where he invested on analogues to enhance the figurativeness and curiosity of the listeners.
For instance, the Prophet PBUH said to their companions, “Oh well, what condition would the man be in who has a river at his doorstep and every five times he washes himself five times a day in it? Will there be dirt on him at the end of the day?” The companions said, “O’ Rasul Allah PBUH! There will be no dirt on him.” Then the Prophet explained, “Like the way these Five
Beautiful! (three) If the Prophet PBUH has, through word of mouth, used analogy in explaining a topic, he has used instance in illustrating a point very wildly through drawing. Accordingly, the Prophet took a sharp instantly line via the sand after which mere traces to the correct and left of this line. Then as the human beings had been searching intently at the drawing, he recites the Quranic verse, ‘And indeed, this (Allah’s commands) is My Straight Path, so follow it, and don’t follow other paths, for they shall divide you from His Path.’ (Quran; 6:153)
On other activities he explained his factor by gesturing the usage of his hand as once he said, “I and the only who looks after the orphans are in paradise like this (as he was speaking to me, he joined his hands).”
(5) His teachings had been also based totally on living experiences as teaching learning resources. For example, as soon as The Prophet PBUH was left to cook and they brought partners along. He informed them to kill a sheep. While one of the partners took a proud stance and said that he would skin it, another one said he might skin it and the third replied that he would cook it. Then the Messenger of Allah ﷻ said to them, “I will bring the wood for the fireplace.” They said, “We shall attempt to do this work for you.” The Prophet PBUH said to them, “I know that you could do it for me but I know that Allah ﷻ dislikes seeing any of his servants enjoy privileges of others.
(6) The Prophet Uncovering the Effective Educational Techniques Used by Prophet Muhammad PBUH, at times, would rephrase a question to a topic that is far better and educative. Once, a Bedouin requested the Prophet PBUH: One: “Said I, “And when is the hour?” [The Day of Judgment]. The Prophet Uncovering the Effective Educational Techniques Used by Prophet Muhammad PBUH stated, “What have you ever organized for that final hour?”

The Bedouin stated, “I haven’t organized plenty of salah (top deeds), and I haven’t organized a variety of zakah (charity), but I am getting ready one thing, that is my love for Allah ﷻ and His messenger.” The Prophet PBUH replied: “You could do what you wish. ”
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114Topics: Hijab, Arabic Corner, Islamic History, Biography, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram